The H2020 ACROSS project has just started! ACROSS – HPC Big DAta ArtifiCial Intelligence cross Stack PlatfoRm TOwards ExaScale – will codesign and develop an HPC, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence convergent platform, supporting applications in the Aeronautics, Climate and Weather, and Energy domains.
ACROSS will combine traditional HPC techniques with Artificial Intelligence, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and Big Data analytic techniques to enhance the application test case outcomes (e.g., improve the existing operational system for global numerical weather prediction, climate simulations, develop an environment for user-defined in-situ data processing, improve and innovate the existing turbine aero design system, speed up the design process, etc.).
The performance of Machine Learning and Deep Learning will be accelerated by using dedicated hardware devices. ACROSS will also promote cooperation with other EU initiatives (e.g., BDVA, EPI) and future EuroHPC projects to foster the adoption of exascale-level computing among test case domain stakeholders.
ACROSS is a consortium composed of 13 actors from 8 European countries coordinated by LINKS, and Olivier Terzo head of the Advanced Computing and Applications Area is the coordinator of the project, which involves also the Photonics and Wireless Solutions Area.