Webinar @ HiPEAC: The challenge of HPC, big data and artificial intelligence convergence: the ACROSS approach

Across will present a webinar at HiPEAC on Monday 7 November. Here’s the description: The ACROSS project aims at developing […]

The contribution of supercomputers to early warning systems

High resolution weather forecasts are essential to many sectors, such as agriculture, shipping, aviation, civil protection etc. Climate change affects many weather extremes, such as heat waves, torrential rainfalls, flash floods, tropical cyclones, medicanes (Mediterranean Hurricanes) etc.

Reducing the aero-engine combustor design phase

Computational fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in the design of cooling systems in gas turbine combustors due to the difficulties and costs related to experimental measurements performed in pressurized reactive environments. Despite the massive advances in computational resources in the last years, reactive unsteady and multi-scale simulations of combustor real operating conditions are still computationally expensive.

The use of artificial intelligence tools for the development of future greener aeronautical engines

Among the objectives of the turbine pilot of the ACROSS project, there is the development of new artificial intelligence (AI) […]

ACROSS presence at the High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2022 conference

Georg Zitzlsberger (IT4Innovations) presented the ACROSS project during the poster section at HPCSE 2022. HPCSE 2022 conference was held during May […]

The online version of ETP4HPC Handbook of European HPC projects

ETP4HPC has released the Handbook website with many additional features, such as filters and search functionalities that make it useful and easy […]

Big Data-IA-HPC convergence reaching for the ExaFLOP

Contributors: Gabriel Antoniu, Joshua Bowden Scientific simulation is increasingly using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze data, the volume of which […]

BORGES – A data system for organizing Earth System Model data around the ICON model

Aiming for improved projections and a better understanding of important climate processes, climate modelling strives for ever higher resolutions in […]

Model speed-up by changing programming language

In hydrological modelling, accurate simulations of hydrological processes not only help to provide reliable discharge simulations for operational water management […]

WP5 achievements in turbine design

In this pilot, KPIs have been partially refined:  time-to-design reduction is always expected >-50% wrt current status while the LES/HPDA […]

ACROSS Progress Meeting – March 2022

The first hybrid progress technical meeting, organized in Turin, Italy from 8th to 10th March by LINKS, helped to summarize […]

Towards Cloud-HPC Continuum: Hybrid Workflow Management as a key enabler

With the breakdown of Dennard scaling and the approaching of the post-Moore era, general-purpose processors can no longer sustain the […]

Carbon capture and storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the technologies that havea large potential for mitigating CO2 emissions, and can […]

Karolina supercomputer belongs to the world’s top energy-efficient supercomputers

A contract to acquire the most powerful supercomputer in the Czech Republic, which also ranks among the most powerful in […]

ACROSS Progress Meeting

On December 2nd ACROSS virtual Progress Meeting took place. After Milestone 2 has been reached, and the key technologies identified, […]

Towards a greener aviation

Since 1908 Avio Aero design and produce the best-in-class aeronautical components that allow people to fly all around the world safely. […]

ACROSS participation at Supercomputing 2021

ACROSS Project was present at Supercomputing Conference 2021 in St. Louis, USA during November 15–19. The Project Coordinator Olivier Terzo […]

ECMWF strengthens ties with ACROSS partners

The news of the Bonn and Bologna openings brought great enthusiasm among EuroHPC ACROSS project partners, looking forward to cooperating more closely […]

ACROSS in ETP4HPC Handbook 2021

ACROSS project is part of the European-funded projects that mostly influence the HPC world and that are reported in the […]

The need for accurate weather forecasts

The growing need for timely and accurate weather forecasts originates from many sectors, such as agriculture, aviation, renewable energy, civil […]

ACROSS participation at HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop

ACROSS project has been part of the HPC-IODC workshop (https://hps.vi4io.org/events/2021/iodc) co-located with ISC-2021, where LINKS (A. Scionti) attended as an […]

How HPC Solutions and Technologies should bring value & innovation in the sectors of aeronautics, weather and energy and carbon sequestration

I would like to start this blog by highlighting first the challenges and needs these sectors are experiencing, especially the […]

Leonardo, the new Italian answer to the high performance computing demand

The quest for ever more computing performance in the context of modern scientific and industrial application use cases is pushing […]

Kick-Off meeting Header

Kick-off meeting

The H2020 ACROSS project has just started! ACROSS – HPC Big DAta ArtifiCial Intelligence cross Stack PlatfoRm TOwards ExaScale – will codesign and develop an HPC, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence convergent platform, supporting applications in the Aeronautics, Climate and Weather, and Energy domains.